Formulated "Colostrum" with Pure Bio-Active IgG for Enhanced Growth and Development
Synergistically formulated colostrum with Bio-Active IgG Antibodies type globulins
- Pure immuno-regulating factors
- Delivers the essentials, metabolic and growth factors during the crucial stages of development
Aviability: Major Drug Stores & Online
Php 784.00
What is Pro-IG
- IgG is the main antibody isotype found in blood and extracellular fluid allowing it to control infection of the blood and body tissues,the most important of the immuno-globulins found in the body.
- Human colostrum contains 2% of IgG while bovine colostrum contains 8-25% of IgG.
Clinical Applications of Bovine Colostrum:
- As Adjunct therapy in the management and/or faster recovery from neonatalpneumonia, dengue, neonatal sepsis and other related infections. This also takes care of upper respiratory tract infections, sinusitis and pneumonia. Due toanti – bacterial and anti-viral activity of bovine colostrum.
- Enhanced Nutrition and Metabolic Activities. (Neonates, Infants, etc.)
- Bovine Colostrum has also been used in treatment as well as prevention of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NS AIDS) induced gut injury; joint disorders like rheumomatoid arthritis has been found to be useful. This acts as an immune modulator, hence, useful in the auto-immune and allergic disorders.
- Regeneration of villi tissues for better functionality. The growth factors have a lot of scope in the maintenance of growth in children. Due to anti-oxidant and fibroblast activation, the bovine colostrum has been used in various aging disorders as well as before and after surgical procedures.
What is colostrum?
Colostrum, a nutrient-rich uid produced by female mammals during the rst 24 hours of lactation, is loaded with immune, growth andtissue repair factors. It is a complex biological uid, which helps in the development of immunity in the newborn. It contains signicantquantities of complement components that act as natural antimicrobial agents to actively stimulate the maturation of an infant’s immune system.
What is Pro – IG and how is it developed?
Pro – Ig contains Bioactive colostrum exclusively from 1st and 2nd milking, a product of Ingredia Nutritional from France. Pro – Ig goesthrough a low- heat process to avoid the denaturation of IgG, wherein Radial- immunodiusion analysis (RID) is used to ensure the active IgG content of each batch.
Is Pro – IG safe for premature infants?
Immunoglobulin from bovine colostrum is safe and eectively reduces and prevents viral and bacterial infections in immunedecient subjects: bone marrow recipients, premature babies, AIDS, etc.
Is Pro – IG safe for infants with lactose intolerance and sensitive to milk proteins?
Yes, Pro-Ig does not contain casein, which is the primary cause of milk allergies. Lactose intolerance itself is a food allergen, and becauseProline-Rich-Polypeptides help modulate the interleukin levels in the body, this reduces the probability at an allergic response.
What is colostrum?
Colostrum, a nutrient-rich uid produced by female mammals during the rst 24 hours of lactation, is loaded with immune, growth andtissue repair factors. It is a complex biological uid, which helps in the development of immunity in the newborn. It contains signicantquantities of complement components that act as natural antimicrobial agents to actively stimulate the maturation of an infant’s immune system.
What is Pro – IG and how is it developed?
Pro – Ig contains Bioactive colostrum exclusively from 1st and 2nd milking. Pro – Ig goesthrough a low- heat process to avoid the denaturation of IgG, wherein Radial- immunodiusion analysis (RID) is used to ensure the active IgG content of each batch.
Is Pro – IG safe for premature infants?
Immunoglobulin from bovine colostrum is safe and eectively reduces and prevents viral and bacterial infections in immunedecient subjects: bone marrow recipients, premature babies, AIDS, etc.
Is Pro – IG safe for infants with lactose intolerance and sensitive to milk proteins?
Yes, Pro-Ig does not contain casein, which is the primary cause of milk allergies. Lactose intolerance itself is a food allergen, and becauseProline-Rich-Polypeptides help modulate the interleukin levels in the body, this reduces the probability at an allergic response.
Colostrum and breast milk (from cows and humans) stimulates the newborn’s immune system. As yet, unidentied proteins speed the maturation of cultured B Lymphocytes (type of white blood cell) and primes them for production of antibodies.
Dr. Michael Julius Of McGill University, Montreal; Science News, 2011
PRP, in bovine colostrum, has the same ability to regulate activity of the immune system as hormones of the Thymus gland. It activates an underactive immune system, helping it move into action against disease-causing organisms. PRP also suppresses an overactive immune system, such as is often seen in the autoimmune diseases.
Drs. Staroscik, et. al., Molecular Immunology, 2011
PRP was found not to be species specic (transferable for human use). Turns white blood cells into functionally active T cells. Results were shown in treatment of auto-immune disorders and cancer. An important Immune modulator stimulates an underactive immune system and tones down an overactive one.
Drs. Janusz & Lisowski; Archives of Immunology, 2011
Immunoglobulin in colostrum has been used to successfully use as adjunct in maintenance therapy: seasonal allergies, Neutropenia, Myasthenia Gravis, Guillain Barre Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Systemic Lupus, Kawasaki’s Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, among others.
Dr. Dwyer; New England Journal of Medicine, 2011